👋 Hi, I’m Joseph

I work at Sanctuary Computer + garden3d as a developer, architect, mentor, and Herbalist†. If you’re looking for a first-class team of developers, product strategists, and designers, **send us an email** 💌**.**

You can also find me on 🐙 Github and 👤 LinkedIn, or view my 📃Resume. I continue to work as a consultant and freelancer. You can contact me at [email protected].

While working at Sanctuary, I have:

<aside> ⏱️ Maintained and enhanced Loupe This, a timepiece bidding website powered by Stripe, Rails, and Next.js.


<aside> 🍎 Helped to build the IoT mobile application for Mill Industries


<aside> 💳 Led development on the developer documentation for the headless e-commerce platform Swell


<aside> 📱 Converted the Light Phone website from Stripe to use Shopify’s Storefront API


<aside> 📜 Led development on replatforming Tablet Magazine to Next.js, Vercel, & Typescript


Before joining Sanctuary, I worked as a freelancer for 9 years.

In this time, I:

<aside> 💍 Made an e-commerce website for Los Angeles based jewelry company Spinelli Kilcollin, powered by Shopify, Sanity, and open-source software I built to connect the two.


<aside> 📸 Built the technology for a 3-week holiday event with Smilebooth, hosting nearly 10,000 guests. As they made their way through the event, photographers scanned their RFID wristbands for each photo op. Upon leaving, guests were emailed a link to a private gallery with all photos for their group.

Tech included an Android app for staff, multiple React websites (in English and Spanish), and a GraphQL API server backed by PostgreSQL, and lots of other moving pieces. We had 0 errors in production 😎.


<aside> 🎓 Taught online React courses for General Assembly


<aside> 🌱 † What’s an Herbalist? Sanctuary computer is not a traditional agency. We’re not a traditional company, for that matter. Social equality, psychological safety, and mental health are baked into the way we operate. Work can be hard, working in a remote world can be harder. As the steward of the Herb Garden, I facilitate company initiatives and hold confidential 1-on-1 meetings with coworkers to discuss how they’re feeling, how they’re growing, and what they want our company to look like.
